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The right way to study for the CPA Exam

OK so you have talked with your professor or your co-worker and they all think they know what you are supposed to do in order to prepare for the CPA exam. I have a newsflash for you. They are probably full of it. None of these people really know what it means to study and most of them really don't know what it means to take the modern day exam. You are better off listening to someone who has successfully taken the exam in the last few years than listening to some professor who took it 100 years ago or the partner of your firm.

There is really only one “right” way to study for the CPA exam and that’s to actually study for it. Believe it or not most people fail the exam because they didn’t want to put enough effort into it and didn’t feel like studying as much as they needed to in order to pass. It’s hard to believe that some people can be that stupid, but it’s true.

That’s why it’s important to find the best CPA review courses and stick with their written calendar and study schedule. Most of the top CPA prep courses will actually have a specific set of goals and study instructions that you need to meet in order to be ready for the exam on time. If you don’t meet the goals, you will probably fail the exam.

One of the best review courses is the Roger CPA review course. Roger lays out the a very rigid set of instructions and study guide that candidates can use to stay on task and not get behind on their studies. It’s pretty simple. Basically, Roger provides a calendar that lists all the courses and sections that you need to get through in order learn the right amount of CPA material before you exam date. Although it’s not that in depth, it is easy to follow.

If you are looking for more of an interactive review course study calendar, you might want to look at the Yaeger CPA review course. Its interactive study planning tool allows you to rearrange your days and make custom plans. It will also recalculate based on what you input.

I would check out both of these tools if I were you and see what one will help you stay on your studying track the most. Remember, you can’t pass the exam if you don’t actually study for it.

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